All of Shella Island Products profits Are directly used to Help individuals and families with disabilities and aging issues from california to hawai'i through the shella foundation
Brothers, Michael and Steven Foster and Steven's son, Scott started Shella Island Products from their passion and love for the art, food and apparel that make the Hawai'ian Islands a unique place. Secondly, it was created as a vehicle to endorse The Shella Foundation, which is a non-profit who's mission "provides comprehensive care management and assistance in all aspects of personal care, including financial assistance to individuals and families affected by disabilities and functional needs". All profits will go directly to fulfilling The Shella Foundation's mission. All of which is currently operational and directly funding families in California since 2004 with our first Hawai'i families starting in 2017.
The Shella Foundation was established in 2004 in response to one family's struggle with disabilities and the issues we all face in the aging process. "Shella" was named for Shelton and Della Foster who had spent their lives assisting their daughter (Debbie) through multiple disabilities until Parkinson's Disease took the life of Shelton in 2005.
Experiencing firsthand the challenges of caring for individuals with functional needs inspired the development of Shella Care Management Services and the Non-Profit Shella Foundation. Our desire is to assist other families dealing with the same difficulties in a "family friendly" environment. Today "Shella" services families and individuals in four counties in California to receive the assistance needed to remain in their own homes.

Our ohana and the Hawai'i connection
Shelton Foster served in the United States Navy during World War II, serving in many of the major battles of the South Pacific. Returning home he shared many stories of Life in the Islands instilling a great curiosity in his children. Shelton and Della travelled several times to the Islands of Hawai'i stoking that interest even more.
In 1986, Shella Founder Michael Foster moved to the Big Island of Hawai'i making it his home. There he continued his 20-year career in the Food Production Industry, operating Hawai'ian Honey Products and Pacific Rim Kona Coffee distributing fine Hawai'ian products throughout all the Hawai'ian Islands.

Michael returned to the "Mainland" in 2004 to assist Shelton and Della in their life long care of daughter Debbie and their increasing needs due to aging. Thus "Shella" was inspired by the dedication of Shelton and Della. Now Shella is helping families from San Diego to Sacramento and Hawai'i.
Today their Son, Steven and wife Sandi Foster and Grandson, Scott and his wife, Diane Foster continue to reside in Hawai'i.
Our Hawai'i roots are deep and have inspired "Shella Island Products" to bring a bit of the Islands to you. A perfect marriage of visions distributing fine Hawai'ian Products with the profits going to assist those in need through The Shella Foundation.
"Provide comprehensive care management and assistance in all aspects of personal care, including financial assistance to individuals and families affected by disabilities or functional needs."
If you or someone you know is in need of additional In Home support or financial assistance for In Home Care please contact us at "The Shella Foundation."
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